Generations Student Ministry is a place for students 6th-12th grade to experience vibrant, authentic, and exciting relationships with each other and God through community focused events, biblical teaching, and Christ centered discipleship oriented ministry. Our goal is to journey through life together. To experience together: fun, heartache, laughter, tears, and everything in between. 

All that we do points to Jesus. 

Our students gather every Sunday evening throughout the school year from 5-7 PM.

To stay up to date on events and current information text “h38663” to the number “81010.”


youth pastor

vince loprinzi

Pastor Vince LoPrinzi has been the Associate Pastor of Students and Families at Generations since 2020. Vince holds a B.A. degree in pastoral ministry from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Vince is passionate about seeing people experience the new life offered to us through the life transforming power of an authentic relationship with God. Vince has dedicated his life to showing people this new life through biblical teaching and relational discipleship.